“There are no extra pieces in the universe. Everyone is here because he or she has a place to fill, and every piece must fit itself into the big jigsaw puzzle.” ~ Deepak Chopra

Complete a 1000 piece Puzzle Puzzles. Life is full of all sorts of puzzles and I happen to enjoy them. Sure, some of life’s puzzles can be very stressful during the solving phase, but once all the pieces fit together there is that wonderful sense of accomplishment. Jigsaw puzzles are by far my favorite type of puzzle as they are stress free, unless of course there are missing pieces! I am particularly fond of jigsaw puzzles as it reminds me of when I was a kid, okay most of you will say I still am a kid, so it reminds me of when I was younger. I remember putting together puzzles with my dad. His mom was big into putting puzzles together and it seemed like every time we went to her house she’d have one set up on the basement table that she was working on. I don’t think I fully appreciated the time my dad I and spent working on puzzles together as much as I should have. Now I don’t have anyone to sort the edge pieces for me or do the ‘hard’ sections and still let me take credit for it! Lucky for me the puzzle I chose didn’t really have any hard sections this time, next time I will have to find an edgeless puzzle and I will be set!

I have been looking for a 1000 piece puzzle that I really liked since I made my DayZero Project list. I found this one when I was visiting my sister a few weekends ago. We had the opportunity to go to the Art Institute of Chicago with a group from her school for free. Needless to say since it was free and neither one of us had been before we went! It was a lot of fun and I even found this puzzle there. It is an Andy Warhol puzzle featuring his Flowers. I think it is really pretty and it matches the color scheme of my room. I started working on this puzzle as I was skyping with my mom last Saturday evening. I was feeling guilty that I wasn’t working on anything while skyping as my mom was busy working on things so I decided to start sorting the edges out while I talked to her. Well then I got out a piece of cardboard and started to put the edge pieces together which of course let to me working on some of the inside squares. Next thing you know it is Sunday afternoon and the puzzle is completed! Hadn’t really planned on putting the whole puzzle together in one weekend, let alone in about 24 hours, but what a great way to spend a weekend on duty! I had forgotten how hard is to walk away from a jigsaw puzzle!! Check out the finished puzzle below 🙂

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“The average tourist wants to go to places where there are no tourists” Sam Ewing

I stumbled upon this quote today which made me think of the different tourist like things I have done recently that help me with completing my day zero project! One of the places fits this quote quite well as it is not a typical tourist attraction, however, the second one was for sure full of tourists!!

Go to 5 ‘tourist attractions’ in Indy

Naptown Roller Girls I went to the Roller Derby with some of my fellow co-workers. we watched the Naptown Warning Belles take on The Fury. I have wanted to attend a Roller Derby since watching it on television when I was in grade school. I remember watching it with my family on Saturday nights. Of course at that time, I don’t think I fully understood what was going on. It just looked like a lot of women on skates pushing and shoving each other to get to the front of the pack. Luckily at the Derby they give out programs that explain what is going on and the purpose behind everything that is happening. It was really entertaining and I think I would make an excellent blocker! I would have to work on not being put in the penalty box, but hey there will always be room for improvement…Now I just need to come up with a stellar derby name and my career as a roller girl will be underway!!

Superbowl XLVI As many of you know, UIndy served as a practice site for the New York Giants the week leading up to the Superbowl. At first everything was real hush about when the team would be on campus. However, after their first day of practice they requested that their practice schedule be released to the students so they could have some interaction. Although I am not a Giants fan, I decided to make a sign and go give them a giant welcome (no pun intended) as it is not everyday you get to see NFL players on campus. It was definitely worth waiting for them to finish up practice as I got some of their autographs.

With it being the week before Superbowl there were tons of activities and different things going on downtown. One of the highlights was that I had the opportunity to go to the advance showing celebrity premiere of the movie “That’s My Boy” which is set to come out this summer. It features Adam Sandler, Andy Sandberg, and Vanilla Ice, who was actually there! It was a pretty raunchy movie, but it was relatively funny at times. Just walking around downtown was an experience of itself as there were people e.v.e.r.y.w.h.e.r.e! Like pushing your way through crowds of people just to walk down the street. It was crazy and awesome all at the same time! There were many ‘famous’ people sightings. Luckily for me, my best friend Jacqui and her boyfriend Jared could point out all the famous people as I had no clue who they were…Famous people don’t usually just appear downtown in small town Iowa so this was a new thing for me 🙂 Another highlight was all the free concerts they had going on each night. I went to Darius Rucker, LMFAO, and O.A.R. All of which were pretty great, I’d have to say my favorite was O.A.R. though (Attend a Concert)

Living where the Superbowl was held was definitely a neat experience. Even though I didn’t get to go to the game, it was still a great time filled with lots of fun things to do and many great people! It was also great to see the Giants win!!! As much as I’d like to say that UIndy played a major part in that, I know that statement is probably not true 🙂 Like I already said, it was a great experience!! Only way it would have been better if The COWBOYS would have been on campus! Go T. Romo!!

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