“Have nothing in your home that you do not know to be useful or believe to be beautiful.” – William Morris

Last week was easily the first time I have actually seen the sun shining and felt its warmth for more than two consecutive days since early last fall. What a winter these lovely Minnesotans rolled out to welcome me to their great state! Goes to show that Minnesota nice is a real thing! Looking back I should have mentioned that I already believed in the Minnesota nice so there was no need to roll out the red carpet, or in this case white, for me as I am not particularly a huge fan of snow.  To celebrate the sun and warmth, I decided to declare it officially spring so I could do some spring cleaning! Technically it has been spring for awhile now, but it isn’t official until I say so! J

While cleaning, I managed to cross eliminate all clothing that doesn’t currently fit off my Day Zero Project list. I went through my closet(s) and dresser and filled two purple storage totes with clothes that either didn’t fit anymore or that I just never really wore. My sister now has a whole ‘new’ wardrobe and Goodwill has some items to keep their shelves stocked! I do still have some clothes remaining, but with all this extra space in my dresser and closet I’d say it is time to go shopping! Bring on the spring sales!

Spring Cleaning!

Spring Cleaning! Clothes that I donated to my sister’s closet or Goodwill! 🙂