“The line between a decorative object and a work of art is a matter of critical judgement.” Marlene Fitzgerald-Moore

Recently I was looking over my Day Zero List at all of the things I have yet to cross off and realized I had two that were almost identical. I had do not spend any money for a week and do not buy anything for a week. So, I changed one of them to complete 10 Pinterest Projects. For those of you who do not know what Pinterest is… I no longer know you. JUST KIDDING! It is kind of difficult to explain so be sure check out my boards. Those that know me really well know that I LOVE Pinterest. I have found a lot of really neat craft and recipe ideas on Pinterest that I have re-pinned. However, I have spent more time looking at the ideas and all the different pins that others have pinned than I actually have making things that I have found on Pinterest. That is not to say I haven’t made anything as here are the things I have made that were Pinterest inspired! You can check out the recipes and the crafts how-to on my boards and be sure to look at the pictures at the bottom!!

Project 1 Candy Corn Cupcakes – I made these for the Resident Assistants as they came around the the Resident Directors apartments for trick-or-treating. They are a basic pound cake cupcake pipped with orange, yellow, and white cream cheese frosting in the center. They were relatively easy to make, just time-consuming. However, I do feel they turned out relatively well!

Project 2 Nutter Butter Snowman – I made these for the winter holidays to include in some holiday gift packages. These were also relatively easy to make, I think the hardest part was finding the really small m&ms! All it takes it covering a nutter butter with white almond bark, placing some m&ms on for buttons, and then pipping some eyes, a nose, and a mouth on them. Super simple

Project 3 Quote Boxes – This idea in its entirety did not come from Pinterest, but I did get some of the quotes from Pinterest. These boxes once contained scrapbook kits. Once the scrapbook binder and supplies had been used or taken out of the box, I came up with putting quotes in them as I thought the boxes made good ‘frames’

Project 4 Homemade Reese’s Peanut Butter Eggs – I made this for Easter this year all the while thinking of my brother in the Dominican Republic for two reasons. The first reason was when he was home for the winter holidays he mentioned how much he missed Reese’s Candy. The second reason is because I used the peanut butter that he helped to manufacture in the Dominican Republic to make these Eggs. They were very tasty and I have a strong suspicion that I will be making them again, especially for Jeremy.

Project 5 Carmel Easter popcorn – I also made this for Easter. Like the other recipes I have tried from Pinterest, this too was very easy. I even made some of the mixture into popcorn balls for my staff which they really enjoyed. Well, I think they enjoyed them as they ate them πŸ™‚ They were so easy to make and it would be easy to adapt the recipe for other holidays with different colored m&ms and food coloring.

Project 6 Crayon Art – These are by far my favorite creations that I have made from Pinterest! Thanks to my mom for keeping every single crayon my siblings and I ever had!! I think that these turned out relatively well and had a lot of fun making them.

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β€œThe world is a book and those who do not travel read only one page.” – St. Augustine

I have never traveled outside of the United States but that is about to change!! I recently applied for and received my passport!!! This task made my list as I knew if I had my passport, I would not have any excuses to not travel! Well, I would have one less excuse as time and money are still a pretty significant factor. So, where am I going? I am going to the Dominican Republic in July to see my brother, Jeremy! He was stationed there for a 26 month journey with the Peace Corps in March 2011. Needless to say, we will not be on the fancy resort side where many take their honeymoons, but in a little community within the San Juan province in which he works as an appropriate technology developer. For anyone who is interested in reading about some of his endeavors and some of the projects he has been working on for the past year, he too has a blog that you can check out! http://jmhansen.wordpress.com/

As if traveling outside of the United States for the first time isn’t exciting enough… I will be accompanied by a great friend!! To say she is very adventurous would be an understatement! πŸ™‚ One of my old roommates and very good friends Maria is coming with! Unlike me, Maria is not new to traveling the world. I hope my brother is prepared for us! (Jeremy- consider this your written warning) haha just kidding, but know that we both are really excited to not only see what you have been working on over the past year and the different sites within the country, but we are also SUPER excited to see you!!

Sorry no photos this time! didn’t want to post my passport for security reasons, but I am sure I will have many, many pictures after the trip!